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Monday, January 24, 2011

Are you the winner or the looser when you loose your temper?

Do you raise your voice when your child argues with you?
Do you loose your temper when your child don't do as you want him to?

If you do.... you are the looser..WHY?


i. Your child learns his behavior by observing you. If you loose our temper each time your child argues with you or don't do as you want him to, he will think that is the correct way to behave.

ii. Worst still, if you loose your temper and be aggressive.. It may be scary for the child.

iii. It may also indicate that its ok to loose control and be aggressive.

iv. The child may end up in tears, stop arguing and reluctant do what you want him to...but in the long run you are still the looser.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Rights & Responsibilities do come hand in hand.

Most essential thing every child or person must learn.

Parents must point out to the child that for every rights that he demands, there are responsibilities that comes with the rights. For example the rights to pocket money, acquiring hp, sleep over at a friends place or go to a movie.

If the child dodges the responsibility, he looses the right.

Similarly when a child or a person demands the rights to be treated with respect..
then it also comes with the responsibility to treat others with respect...

If he swears or yells at you, he looses the rights to your respect.
You can stop listening to him until he can be respectful again.

So, teach your child the value of rights for ..He can't always expect something for nothing!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Trying to bring up a perfect child? Think again!

If you are trying to bring up a perfect child, think again, because childhood is for being a child:

i. You will put them under unfair pressure.
ii. Every child that behaves so flawlessly, never put a wrong foot forward, strive to please their parents and their teachers, work hard in school and always handed in their homework in time are the most boring characterless little child that we can imagine!
iii. Studies have shown that children who have the biggest and warmest personalities all had:
      a. an overly mischievous tendency.
      b. a temper or two when provoked.
      c. a sense of humor that sometimes when too far.
      d. a lazy streak at times.
iii. Children are not supposed to be mini adults, they come with their little imperfection.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Schooling vs Education

Schooling your children is not at all the same thing as educating them.

The school gives information, teaches you how to learn, some analytical skills such as long division and grammar, how to play the recorder and gives you ample practices on sports activities and the likes..

Educating is more than that..

Educating teaches children how to think for themselves,  how to be assertive, how to resolve argument amicably, how to treat people with respect, how to face their fears, how to be a good looser or a good winner, which behavior is and isn't socially acceptable and so on...

Point is... it is the school's job to school the children ..But.. its your job as parents to educate them.

So parents.. be involved in educating your children less they will miss a big chunk of skills needed to face the challenges in life.