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Friday, September 17, 2010

When our Plans failed us

Do not get disheartened when your plan failed you.

Thomas Alva Edison, the founder of light bulbs, was reported to have failed about 10,000 times before he finally get it right!!.

This tells us that our plans DO NOT always work!!.

So, if our 'master plan' is not working as planned, DO NOT be afraid to make the necessary changes such as change of habits or change in strategies or abandon the entire original plan.

Turn your failure into a good learning experience and you will find success waiting for you at the next corner.


  1. when my plan failed, i feel upset and sometimes i cry too. However, i will recall what i have done and i will try it again. Thank you for the above encouraging words... i am ivy.

  2. Hi Ivy, as the saying goes, ' Life is but a series of learning experiences'. Making necessary changes to a failed plan will be an additional exciting learning experience that will add colors to our lives.
